Process Model

The process of fulfilling a faculty/staff grant request starts with the faculty or staff member filling out the Grant Request Assistance Form, which can be retrieved from online in its PDF form. Once the form is submitted, the grant processing office writes a report regarding the information and files the information for the corporate office to examine. Corporate waits for these reports to be filed, and then intercepts the requests as they filter in. They then evaluate the documents that they have been given. Once the evaluation is finished, corporate then makes the decision to either approve or reject the grant request. If the request is rejected, grant processing will send the faculty or staff member a letter explaining their rejection. If they decide to fulfill the grant, then the grant will be fulfilled by Chatham and University Advancement, and the office will match the faculty/staff member with the external source of funding. Once this is complete, the process has ended.


Kroenke, D. M. (2015). Chapter 2 Business Processes, Information Systems, and Information . InMIS Essentials(Fourth ed., pp. 25-50). Pearson.
Schieck, J. (2018, January 16). Personal interview.

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